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Serving Christ and growing kids.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Introducing our Director Team for 2011...

Introducing Our Director Team for Camping Season 2011 - "Blue," "Raven," and our newest addition "Skuttle!"

 Directing Boys Camp, Steve Duke “Blue” will be returning for his second consecutive ( and 7th total) camping season in the role of director. He will direct week one: Boys Classic and Girls Horse Specialty Camp. During weeks two and three (Girls Classic camps) we will have director partners (working together both weeks): Judy Elbert “Raven” and Alex Jacobson “Skuttle”. 

 Here is Blue play his guitar for a songfest just this week at Boys Camp 2011!

 This is “Raven’s” 17th season coming up as director!

Working with them all as Registrar, Health Care Administrator and Office Manager is Jayne Blackburn “Robin” (Robin is pictured here in between Skuttle and Raven)

Meet Skuttle...

Over the course of our last 20 years we often have had times when we’ve been best served by teams of directors.  The board has identified this as one of those times as we look to the future and think about diversifying offerings to our future campers. We are delighted to welcome Alex Jacobson, “Skuttle”, as a director partner during the two weeks of girls’ camp.  To let you get to know her better, “Raven” interviewed her on the way home for the Association of Cedarbrook Camps conference in November

R: “Skuttle”, what has camp meant to you over your years as camper, counselor and Division Director?

S: After changing school 13 times before I graduated high school Cascade Camp Cedarbrook and its staff was the most consistent thing in my life. It helped launch me into a more personal faith at a very young age. Camp was a marker of time as well. As I grew and changed camp grew with me. The long-term relationships and predictability provided a sense of stability and family. On the flip side of that coin camp also provided adventure and discovery as a young girl, in my formative teen years, and then as a young woman selecting what and whom I’d give my attention and time. Camp changed my life!

R: What job do you have outside of camp?

S: I was a first grade teacher at Christ the King Academy. 2010 was my fourth year of teaching there each year I learn more; develop in skill and understanding; and learn how much more there is to know about children, the Lord, and who God created me to be as a professional and as a missionary to His children. I am starting my first year as a sixth grade teacher this year, in a new school called Crosspoint Academy in Bremerton, WA. I can't believe I'm starting fresh in such a new and exciting place. I have always had a heart for young people of this age and can't wait to learn and grow along side them. I also serve in ministry with my husband Benjamin Jacobson, at Newlife Church in Silverdale. Ben, also called “Skimmer,” is a worship leader, youth leader, and all around volunteer there. I serve along side him in all kinds of ministries.

R: Tell me about your family.

S: My immediate family consists of my husband of 3 years, Benjamin Jacobson, and our 4 pets who bring us so much life. Our two energy-filled terriers are Ipa-Mae and Marley-Moe, our mischievous, little black cat is Dosey-Doe, our our latest addition (for my birthday this Easter) a wee black and white kitten named Goose. I have one sister of my own and now a sister and two brothers through Ben. I love having brothers! Our parents and siblings all live on the Kitsap Peninsula along with my grandparents and many aunts and uncles. Over the past 3 years Ben and I have also re-defined family to include people who we have chosen as family. Small group members, neighbors, co-workers and others make up a web of “family” that has enriched our lives and enlarged our hearts. We feel so blessed as family is very important to us!

R:  What is the funniest thing that ever happened to you at camp?

S: There are so many funny stories… however, the story we laugh about constantly is one that took place my first as an Explorer Counselor, when I counseled alongside “Ossie.” We took the Explorers to stay overnight in “The Ark” at Camp Lyle McLeod. Ossie and I both stayed in the A-frame nearby. She witnessed a mouse run across my pillow, down my sleeping back and back out. The next morning I found a hole in my jacket pocket, a jacket I borrowed form my Mom and promised to return in “good condition.” Inside was a sticky lozenge that had apparently been “sucked on” by a wee mouse. However, the funny part was my reaction when Ossie told me what had happened. You knew for miles that I was mortified and disgusted! J I look back and am SO grateful that Ossie didn’t awake me as it happened. That wee mouse would have been scared out of its skin. The real question is though… what funny stories can you recall about me? J Please do share!

R:  What activities did you enjoy the most as a camper?

S: Activity sign up was always filled with anxiety for me. Until I was handed that wee slip of paper, that revealed what 3 activities I would be participating in that week, I seemed to have a lump in my throat and knots in my stomach. Always listed was horsemanship! I also tried every year to do an activity that was craft based. I liked to have things to bring home from camp to show everyone. I loved candle making with Ootpik, and nature crafts with Mingo. I also love learning new skills so several years I participated in archery with Wren or swimming in the lake.  My breast stroke is forever changed by Cuckoo.

R:  What are you looking forward to about being a director? 

S: I look forward to learning and growing. I am honored to be able to dream about our future as a camp, and greatly anticipate being here to see those dreams and goals fulfilled for many years to come. As Director I feel like I am fulfilling a calling God placed on my life, many years ago, to help touch a generation today for tomorrow. God placed in me a deep rooted passion and need to be his hands and feet to children and teenagers. Directing is a way for me to share my love for Him, and the change He has produced in me with all who will watch or listen.

R:  Tell us about the conference you just went to.

Here we are at the Conference this year! Can't wait for it to be in Seattle this coming November, we get to host.

S: Growth, inspiration, sharing, challenge, vision… The Association of Cedarbrook Camps Conference was a chance for me to learn more about how Cedarbrook camps work. A place to envision where we are headed, and to see the far reaches of our kind of camping. I’m telling you… what Cedarbrook camps are doing around the nation is so special! We have a network of people who believe in growing the whole child. Conference provided training for me, and also allowed me to share with others what Cedarbrook has given me. I learned that as a collective group we are about sharing and investing in those around us and that we do that by teaching skill building, personal development and spiritual growth. We shared ideas, experiences, concerns, prayers, and our vision for camping as a way to grow and impact our world for Him. What an opportunity it was.

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