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Serving Christ and growing kids.

Monday, July 25, 2011

Week 3 - Classic Girls' Camp - is off to a shining start!

What a whirlwind it has been. With registration; activity sign ups; and the evening, division activities and campfires all complete yesterday campers headed to bed after a long hot day.

This morning we awoke to rain, thunder, and even some lightening. We stayed safely indoors and had some very meaningful, relationship-building cabin and Bible Exploration.

Now with activities well underway the sun is shining! And there are smiles, laughter, friendship, and skill building around every corner. Stay tuned as the words come "straight from the horses mouths" and we hear more about what they love about camp so far.

In the meantime here are some "pictures worth a thousand words."

1 comment:

  1. This blog includes story with some pictures,the camp pictures are looking good,and its to funny.
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